Clinics & Services
Well Person Clinics
We have one of the highest rates of heart disease in the world. A lot of this could be prevented by us taking better care of ourselves. This clinic has been set up to try to help our patients to reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes. These clinics are open to all, and the purpose is to provide a general health screen, in particular looking for coronary heart disease risk factors eg obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, cholesterol and lack of exercise.
We strongly advise our patients to have regular check-ups. Advice is also given on how to stop smoking. To make an appointment please telephone 02871 306400.
Well Woman Clinics - Friday Mornings
Dr Orr has a clinic on a Friday morning from 08:50 to 10:30. She encourages any women seeking advice on contraception including implanon and coils, sexual health, unplanned pregnancy, HRT or the menopause, breast examination and general health to make an appointment to see her.
She also does cervical smears, postnatal examinations, HPV vaccination and change of pessaries.
Our Practice Nurse also offers to take smears, teach self breast examination and discuss issues pertinent to women's health.
We encourage women of all ages to attend these clinics. Since this is for non-urgent conditions you may have to wait for an appointment.
Leaflets and numbers for various agencies relating to these conditions are freely available on request.
Antenatal Clinics
The practice is involved in the Midwifery-led Care Project. This project places the midwife at the centre of antenatal care, delivery and postnatal care with the GP being available for consultation as required and routinely between 28 and 32 weeks gestation.
Booking clinics are held at Great James Street Health Centre.
The Midwifery-led Care Project provides a level of continuity of care, which is appreciated by patients, midwives and GPs. This has proven to be an immensely popular method of service delivery for our maternity patients.
Anticoagulation Clinics
This clinic is run by Nurse O'Neill in order to monitor the INR status of patients who are on Warfarin Therapy. It is held each Tuesday morning from 09:00. Blood samples are taken and an attempt will be made to contact the patients with results within 24 hours. Patients may also contact the surgery to obtain results.
Asthma Clinics - Monday Afternoons
The asthma clinic runs from 13:30 to 16:30. Nurse O'Neill is our asthma care nurse. All patients with asthma are referred to the asthma clinic for appropriate education, advice and supervision of treatment. The clinic also provides individual management plans where appropriate and follow-up care.
Cautery, Cryosurgery
All doctors undertake minor surgery in the centre. They will advise you on the appropriate procedure during a normal consultation.
Cervical Smear
Female patients are invited to attend regularly as recommended according to age. We will generally send you 3 reminder letters when you are due to have yours done. Other screening procedures such as breast examinations are offered during these consultations.
Child Health Screening & Immunisations
The doctors provide child health screening and developmental checks, as well as full immunisation services each Tuesday morning by appointment. Sick children should not come to this clinic but reschedule for the next available appointment when the child is well again.
Diabetic Clinics
All diabetics are encouraged to attend these clinics for monitoring and advice.
Mammography Screening
This is organised through Altnagelvin Hospital's Breast Screening Unit. Women aged between 50 and 64 years are offered mammograms (breast x-rays) every three years. We encourage female patients in this age group to attend. Women over 65 years can also avail of screening by prior arrangement with the Breast Screening Unit.
Women between 40 and 50 can make use of the 'action cancer bus' which does mammograms for free by phoning tel 90803344. However, you are strongly urged to see a doctor if you have discovered a new lump.
Postnatal Examination
Patients are advised to attend for family planning advice at four weeks postnatally, and for a general check-up at 10 weeks.